Sunday, April 19, 2015

When Life Give You Venison

My father-in-law gave us venison, various forms:
Ground, Ground with Beef Fat, Breakfast Sausage, Regular Sausage, a Roast, and God only knows what else.

So first I made chili with the regular Ground.  It was good, kids liked it, not too gamey.  Good stuff.

Then, I tackled the Ground with Beef Fat which I learned was a good candidate for burgers--the beef fat helping the otherwise very lean deer meat stick together and hopefully stay juicy. Hopefully.  I looked to Amy Thielen and her 'The New Midwestern Table' book as I thought it was a good candidate to tackle meat harvested from the North Woods, and I was not disappointed.  Deer Camp Kefta Kebabs is the name of the recipe, only I did no kebab-ing I did burger-ing, and I didn't follow the whole recipe but mostly--and add 'ish' to every measurement..  Here is what I did:

Something like 1 1/2 lb venison with beef fat
Diced up small sweet onion--carmelized/brownish in butter and some olive oil, salt and pepper too. (let it cool before adding to mixture)
2 tsp(ish) ground coriander
3/4 tsp (again, ish) ground cumin
1/2 tsp (you get the idea) cinnamon
1/8 tsp cayenne (actually I was out and I used Chipotle, close enough)
2 tsp ginger--I had some in a jar from making "Chicken Wings ala Olga Dale" 
2 garlic cloves grated--same as above, so I eyeballed it.
1 egg yolk

Mix that all up with your hands.  Do it.  Don't be scared.
Make yourself some nice little patties--sliders for Hawaiian Buns is what I did, you know the kind. 
I wasn't in a grilling place in my day so I used a grill pan.  The smell was delicious.  
I grilled a couple of minutes each side then put on a sheet pan and covered with foil.  
Put in a bun and done. 

My notes to self on this were that I really need to lessen the cooking time, especially for sliders, and especially for venison--even with the beef fat.  They were on the dry side, but I believe this to be operator error. 

Just another plug for the Amy Thielen book 'The New Midwestern Table', great book, great food.

Monday, April 6, 2015

It's not always easy for us clutter bugs with kids to keep things tidy.  So when you slave away for a couple of days picking up, rearranging, scrubbing whatever that is off the cupboards, you really feel a sense of accomplishment--calmness.  I realize how wonderful a nice house is and how much better I feel in the space.  And I always swear I am going to keep it this way.
My problem lies in I don't always 'see' the stuff around making the mess until it's an absolute disaster and then I freak.  I don't notice the scissors not put away, or I just humph at the plastic eggs that are being stored under the couch cushion. But it's coming, I know it is--in about 3 days I will look around and say "Look.  It only took 3 days and already this place is trashed!", and I mean that exclamation point.
This Do-Deca Girl will try though, yet again, to keep the calm both in her house and in her mind.